Also known as Simplex Chronicus, this condition often affects areas such as the back of the neck, the inside of elbows, or the back of the knees. The skin in these areas becomes thick, waxy, and itchy. In my practice, I employ a combination of acupuncture and herbal washing to effectively treat this problem, and the results have been highly favorable.
Acupuncture is utilized to rebalance the body’s energy flow and address any underlying imbalances contributing to the skin condition. The insertion of fine needles into specific points stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms and promotes overall well-being. Additionally, herbal washing, which involves the application of herbal solutions to the affected areas, plays a significant role in soothing the skin, reducing inflammation, and restoring its health.
Through the integration of acupuncture and herbal washing, I have achieved remarkable outcomes in treating Simplex Chronicus. Patients have experienced significant improvements, with the thickened, waxy skin becoming softer and the associated itching greatly reduced. This combination of therapies offers a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing this condition and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals affected by it.