This case involves a two-year-old baby girl who experienced loose bowel movements for several months. On her first day at nursery, the staff had to notify her parents to pick her up early due to the presence of diarrhea. The baby was not allowed to return until the diarrhea symptoms had resolved. In order to address this issue, I administered baby massage to strengthen her spleen energy. Remarkably, after just one session, her stool became well-formed, and she was able to return to nursery without any further problems.

It is important to note that the baby’s digestive system was weak, and various factors such as consuming cold foods or overeating can disrupt the digestive function, leading to diarrhea. Baby massage is highly effective in restoring and improving the function of the digestive system. In this particular case, in addition to the treatment, I advised the baby’s parents to avoid giving her cold foods, such as ice cream, cold water, and refrigerated milk, to prevent further digestive disturbances.