Acupuncture & TCM for Infertility
Approximately one in six or seven couples in the UK face challenges when trying to conceive. There are numerous potential causes for infertility, with some common factors being irregular ovulation, fallopian tube blockages, endometriosis in women, and poor semen quality in men. However, a significant portion of infertility cases remains unexplained. Achieving conception requires the reproductive system to be in optimal condition and working harmoniously with the rest of the body.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can play a valuable role in improving the body’s natural healing abilities and restoring balance. By stimulating and rebalancing the body’s energy flow, these modalities can enhance fertility outcomes.
For women, acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can help in various ways:
- Balancing hormone levels
- Regulating menstrual cycles
- Stimulating ovulation
- Increasing blood flow to the uterus
- Relieving stress-related issues
For men, these therapies can assist by:
- Improving sperm count and motility
- Enhancing general energy and sex drive
Furthermore, acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can serve as supportive treatments alongside IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) procedures, increasing the success rate of these assisted reproductive technologies.
By focusing on optimizing the body’s natural processes and energy flow, acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine offer valuable support for couples facing difficulties conceiving, helping to improve their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Case Studies
Failed IVF Treatment
In this case, we have a 37-year-old woman who had previously undergone one round of IVF treatment and became pregnant. Unfortunately, she experienced a miscarriage at two months into her pregnancy. Prior to embarking on another IVF treatment, she sought to incorporate Acupuncture into her fertility journey. During my assessment, I observed that her blood energy and kidney Yang energy were both weak. I utilized Acupuncture to help strengthen these aspects.
Following the IVF treatment, she successfully became pregnant again. She continued with Acupuncture for a duration of 12 weeks, at which point she decided to discontinue the treatment. Eventually, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
It is important to note that Acupuncture can be utilized alongside assisted fertility procedures such as IVF and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) to increase the chances of conception. Additionally, Acupuncture can be beneficial in cases of miscarriage. Women of advanced maternal age face a higher risk of miscarriage, with a 50% chance when over 40 years old. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are crucial, as this period carries a higher risk of miscarriage. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can work to improve kidney and blood energy, enhancing the effectiveness of IVF and IUI treatments while reducing the likelihood of miscarriage.
IBS, Endometriosis & Obesity
In this case, we have a 28-year-old female who was dealing with multiple health issues, including IBS, Endometriosis, and obesity. Despite trying to conceive for over four years, she had been unsuccessful, and her severe Endometriosis further complicated her chances of becoming pregnant. Initially, she sought treatment from me for her IBS symptoms. Upon examination, I noted that her kidney and spleen energy were both weak, which could potentially contribute to both her IBS and infertility.
I explained to her that Acupuncture could be beneficial for addressing both of her concerns. After undergoing five Acupuncture sessions, her IBS symptoms significantly improved, leading her to discontinue further treatment. However, a year later, she returned with joyful news—she had successfully become pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Subsequently, she also gave birth to a baby daughter.
It is important to note that while Acupuncture may not directly cure conditions such as Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovaries, it can positively impact overall energy levels in the body, which may aid in improving fertility outcomes. Acupuncture can support the body’s natural functions and enhance its ability to conceive. This case study serves as an example of how Acupuncture can contribute to the overall well-being and fertility of individuals facing multiple health challenges.