a 37-year-old male, had been experiencing persistent lower back pain for a duration of 12 years. The origin of the pain traced back to a Rugby injury he sustained during a forceful collision with another player. Despite undergoing various treatments such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture, none of them provided lasting relief.

During my examination, I identified that the primary source of his pain was located between the L4/5 inter-spine region. Based on the findings, I diagnosed him with an Inter-Spine Ligament Injury. This type of injury occurs when the spine undergoes a sudden and significant impact, causing the ligament between the two inter-spine structures to become trapped and subsequently damaged. Healing in this area is challenging due to the poor blood circulation, making it difficult for the injury to self-repair. Additionally, conventional treatments, including acupuncture, face difficulty in effectively targeting this specific location.

Employing a specialized acupuncture treatment approach, I initiated a one-month treatment plan for M.D. Remarkably, after the completion of this treatment, the pain that had plagued him for 12 years completely disappeared. This significant improvement demonstrates the efficacy of the tailored acupuncture approach in addressing the unique challenges associated with his Inter-Spine Ligament Injury.